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Socket Options

SO_REUSEADDR: The best explanation I have ever read on this is at this StackOverflow thread.

SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE: Stops another socket forceably binding to this port

SO_BINDTODEVICE: Bind this socket to a particular device like "l;eth0"

SO_BROADCAST: When enabled, datagram sockets are allowed to send packets to a broadcast address.

IP_MULTICAST_IF and IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: Useful when doing multicast transmission and reception. Use IP_MULTICAST_IF to specify a specific interface for a socket to use. Use IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP ro register interest in a multicast group. [Ref].

Virtual LANs (VLANs)

  • Article "VLAN Basic Concepts Explained with Examples"
  • "Not member": This port is not a member of the VLAN.
    "Tagged": The packets have already a VLAN-tag, i.e. they are tagged by the network device connected to this port.
    "Untagged": The packets at this port have no VLAN-tags, so the incoming packets are tagged by the switch and the outgoing packets are untagged by the switch.

    -- DLink Formum Answer

Rough Notes


vlans are implemented at layer 2. To go to different network need to go through a layer 3 device.
Physical vs logical topology
	vlan is a seperate locigcal subnet or seperate broadcast domain

As frame hits switch it is tagged with the vlan number of the igress-to-switch port. The broad cast will then only be forwarded to ports in the same vlan. Only the original frame leaves the egress port(s) - no internal tagging leaves the switch.

To construct vlans across more than one switch, the switches must be connected using a TRUNK port. Runs trunking protocol so that VLAN information is transmitted from one switch to another.(Protocol trunk protocol is 802.1Q industry standard).

802.1Q trunks have NATIVE VLAN - it is untagged. Trunk ports normally need tagged frames, but anythin untagged automatically belongs to the native VLAN.So the native VLAN is for management protocol stuff as these should never exit the switches to the outside world as untagged. E.g. dynamic trunking protocol.

Trunking = Carrying multiple VLANs over the same physical connection

Ports can be statically assigned to VLANS or dynamically using VMPS where VLAN is assigned based on the MAC of who is connecting through that port.


Network Address Translation
	Translate a private IP address which cannot be used on the internet to a public one, which can.
	RFC 1918 - Defined private IP address blocks. Idea was to help preserve scarce IP address space. 10/8 "24-bit block" Class A 172.16/12 "20-bit block" Class B 192.168/16 "16-bitblock" Class C
		Can be used in private networks without IANA coordination
		But not routable on public internet
		These addresses ----> NAT ----> Public IP address
Port Address Translation
	Overload one IP address. E.g. your ISP public IP address could be used by many many private IP addresses.